We are working on Annotating text today. You will be given several handouts - one on how to annotate and why we annotate and some examples, another on passion and a third on the short story "The Destructors" by Graham Greene. We will go through the first handout and do a sample annotation together. Then we will read the short story and annotate the first page together. We will finish class by reading the rest of the story.
We are officially one third done our course...so hard to believe. For the following months, we will return to our daily vocabulary work. This seemed to help us with understanding new words. To start class today go toToday we will begin by looking at our new theme "passion". In your passion section of this web site, you will find a document with introductory reading material for our passion unit. Like perspective, the idea is to find a deeper understanding of what this work means in various different settings. We will continue to work on our personal response to text but the real focus for this unit will be on critical writing.
Today is a work class. As promised, you have time to work on your projects today. I will hand back your writing and unit exam from last week and you can do edits and rewrites during this time if you have completed your visual representation project.
Today we are writing our personal response to text assignment. You only have one hour to do this!!
Today's the big day!! It's Unit Final day. I hope everyone got some good rest last night. Remember your breathing to control anxiety and ace this baby!!
Today I want to touch base quickly about your unit exam tomorrow. You will need to study your texts tonight and make sure you remember the characters, setting and important ideas we've covered about each one. The other half of the exam is reading comprehension.
I will also allow you time today to start preparing your written piece for your writing on Thursday. We will start the outlining process today. Today we will be looking at an exemplar for your personal response to text assignment in preparation for your in class writing on Thursday. The rest of the time you will have to work on your projects.
Today is a continuation of yesterday's assignment. Another work day. If you have completed your work, today there is time to work on your final project on Perspectives
We are definitely running a little behind...today we have a quick quiz to make sure that you read the rest of the story last night. Then I will be doing an introduction to writing proofs with the 30-1s and a letter writing assignment with the English 30-2s. If time we will work on our final projects.
Today we will watch 2 film clips about perspectives...how we see ourselves versus how others see us. Then we'll discuss a little about the Vietnam war and the impact it had on American life. We will then read the short story "On the Rainy River" and complete the assignments if we have time...
Kirsten CollisonI LOVE teaching English!! Archives
September 2016
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