Today, we are taking our Reading Diagnostic exam and then debating about capital punishment.
Vocabulary practice - quick quiz today
Grammar Gambit - We will continue on with our practice on incomplete sentences. You will have the remainder of class to complete your "Sea Devil" assignment Class will begin with our vocabulary review on bigiqkids and then our grammar gambit.
We will then take out the Sea Devil story and discuss. We will take notes on our terms. You will be given the remainder of class to complete the questions assigned yesterday. Welcome back!! Today we will start class by working on your vocabulary. Go to and user name is [email protected] and the password is caroline. Find your name and then go to the ELA 10 word list for short stories. We will play this for 10 minutes.
We have day two of looking at sentence structure in our challenge. We will debrief on our writing exercise yesterday and discuss some of the difficulties and successes we had with descriptive writing. We will take some notes...yes notes! On literary terms - metaphor, simile, personification, allusion, imagery, symbol Welcome to English 10! I'm super excited and looking forward to a great semester of reading, writing and exploring with you. Today will be a mix of experimenting with some of the resources and work that we are going to do and getting some of the housekeeping stuff taken care of. You should bookmark the following sites:
1. This web page 2. - your username is [email protected] and your password is caroline. Then you need to find your name. This week's list is in your short stories word list. Play some games and learn some new words. These will be on your unit exam! 3. I sent an email with our google classroom. Please bookmark this site. It will be worthwhile to check in frequently. On this website you will find the course outline (which we will go over today) and the readings and assignments needed for this class. We will start class today guessing some puns. We will start our grammar gambit today looking at complete and incomplete sentences. We will get started with a descriptive writing activity looking at appealing to the 5 senses and then debrief with a discussion about what is difficult about describing something. We will cover a lot in our two hours today. Unfortunately, I can't put the grammar information on our web page. If you missed today, practice the vocabulary and take a shot at writing a descriptive paragraph about the appeal of something to one of your senses. |
AuthorKirsten Collison - Teacher at Caroline School Archives
May 2015
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