Today we start our review for our unit final on Thursday. You will all be preparing a quiz on google forms in pairs. On your exam will be the following so you can have questions of any of these items:
- vocabulary questions and sentences: similar to the format of our Gambits
- questions on factual knowledge from the stories (you need to show an understanding of plot, characters, setting etc)
- questions that show your understanding of the terms we've studied AND how they apply to the stories we've studied.
- reading comprehension questions on a story you have not read before.
- terms matching - you will need to be able to match terms with examples and/or definitions of those terms.
We will take these quizzes in class tomorrow.
- vocabulary questions and sentences: similar to the format of our Gambits
- questions on factual knowledge from the stories (you need to show an understanding of plot, characters, setting etc)
- questions that show your understanding of the terms we've studied AND how they apply to the stories we've studied.
- reading comprehension questions on a story you have not read before.
- terms matching - you will need to be able to match terms with examples and/or definitions of those terms.
We will take these quizzes in class tomorrow.