Our Gambit today will be on the information we learned yesterday about Shakespeare's life and the Elizabethan theater. This is in preparation for a quiz that you will have tomorrow.
We will finish our discussion about the Elizabethans and the Globe theater and then we will watch the movie "Shakespeare In Love". You will be taking notes about how the film depicts: "the Elizabethans", "The Globe Theater" and "William Shakespeare". In our teams we will have a little competition about accuracy. The film makes a couple of historical errors. Your task as a group is to spot the historical errors...Where did the film makers go wrong? An example (doesn't really happen in the film)...we know that the Globe did not have lights so if the film showed the plays being performed at night while torches lit the stage, you would know that this isn't historically accurate. Happy Hunting!!
We will finish our discussion about the Elizabethans and the Globe theater and then we will watch the movie "Shakespeare In Love". You will be taking notes about how the film depicts: "the Elizabethans", "The Globe Theater" and "William Shakespeare". In our teams we will have a little competition about accuracy. The film makes a couple of historical errors. Your task as a group is to spot the historical errors...Where did the film makers go wrong? An example (doesn't really happen in the film)...we know that the Globe did not have lights so if the film showed the plays being performed at night while torches lit the stage, you would know that this isn't historically accurate. Happy Hunting!!