Unfortunately, we have A LOT of work to do today. I would LOVE if we could read most of Act II today. We will then fill out our charts...these need to be completed up to act II for homework. Next week, we will check in to see how our reading comprehension is going with Shakespeare!
Today we will catch up on what was missed yesterday (sorry!) and then look at Kahil Gibran's "Reason and Passion IX" and discuss how it relates to the brainstorming chart that you worked on yesterday...then we will have to get to work on our door!!
I'm so sorry but I'm away again today. You will begin class by taking a simple 10 question quiz on Act I. This is just a comprehension check to make sure that you are understanding what's happening in the play so far. After you will have 20 minutes or so to work on the new vocabulary list at www.bigiq.com...Othello Act II list. We will then watch Act I of the film to really solidify our knowledge of what's happening. Finally, you will work on a graphic organizer looking at Passions in the play. ![]()
Today we will finish Act I and then take a quiz on Socrative.com. This is just a test to ensure that you are understanding what we are reading as we progress. After we will do an agree/disagree/neutral activity to address the following questions:
1. Brabantio's outrage at Desdemona's secret wedding is justified. 2. The Duke dealt with the situation between Brabantio and Othello fairly. 3. Iago is really wise and intelligent. 4. Roderigo is a character deserving of sympathy. 5. You would like to have Othello as a friend. Today we begin Othello. We will review our Shakespearean tragedy knowledge and then jump into reading ACT I. Each student will sign up for a role and we will act out the first act. If at all possible we will try and finish Act I today. As we read, we will have various different activities that will allow us to engage with the text.
Again there are no 30-1 students here today so you will do your vocabulary exercises and then work on the visual assignment on jealousy. If you didn't view the jealousy video yesterday, please do that today in class and then view the pictures and assignment that are saved in the assignments for passion called "ELA 30-2 visual assignment jealousy".
Feel free to do the brainstorming listed here with a partner: To begin the assignment, first go to http://www.psychpage.com/learning/library/assess/feelings.html and select the emotions that you think the photograph is communicating. Feel free to separate these if you feel that there are different emotions communicated in different parts of the photograph. Once you have a list of emotions, consider how these are communicated (what aspects of the picture gave you these ideas) and write these down as well. Next, try to consider the situation of the photograph. What has happened before? What do you think might happen after? What discussions, if any are happening at the time of the photo. You can jot this down directly on the photograph or on the sheet beside it. It's important to consider the CONTEXT of the picture in order to generate ideas for writing. Now, I've given you the main idea as I saw it because you know that the pictures are about jealousy. If you type jealousy on google you come up with hundreds of thousands of images (trust me, I think I looked at half of them!) so why did I pick these two? When you look at the visuals try to get inside the exam writers head. Why choose these pictures? What are you meant to see? Now it's time for the alone part. Start writing your own brainstorming down and come up with an idea. If you have time, start writing it. This assignment will be coming later as a summative piece. Today you get to have a head start over the 30-1 students who are not here. Use this time to your advantage!! Unfortunately, I'm not here today as I'm in a conference in the States (awesome!) It turns out the ELA 30-1s won't be here either as they are on a field trip with Biology...That leaves us with my 30-2 class (minus Cheyenne). I heard you guys aren't big fans of acting and since I'm not there to spice things up, I'm going to let you off the hook (as they say) and alter my assignment somewhat.
On this site there is a series of role play scenarios. Read through all of them. Get into partners. Choose one role play assignment and then get into pairs. Decide the character that each is playing and then write this at the top of your page. Be specific. Say things like: Best friend who is already married, has a good job, loves to go out at night, etc. You need to know WHO you are in the role play. Your task is to then create a series of text messages back and forth between these people. It's up to you the time frame. You can refer to action that has happened in between conversations. You can do this by creating a google doc. One person will "text" the other and then the other will reply back. Try to stay in character. Your texts should answer the questions posed in the scenarios. When you have finished, share your role play with another team. Class will begin with our new vocabulary list. We will then move on to writing our critical response. If there is time we will annotate the selection from Kahil Gibran "On Passion and Judgement" and discuss. This prepares us for a reading of Shakespeare's play Othello.
I will collect the completed annotations on the short story "The Destructors" at the end of the class. To start today, you will have your last day working with the vocabulary on this short story. Tomorrow we move on to vocabulary from Othello. You will be given 20 minutes to get into pairs today and go over the aspects of the text that you found most important. As a team of two, you will number what you think are the five most important key aspects to unlocking the meaning of the text...trick is, of course, you will need to determine what you think the text means to do this. Pairs will then present their findings to the class and we'll duke it out to see if we can come up with a consensus. Finally we will connect this story to the theme of passion and write a theme statement. Your task will then be to write a critical response (see writing assignment for "The Destructors"). An example is provided. We will do these in class tomorrow.
You have today's class to finish annotating "The Destructors". This is due for homework.
Kirsten CollisonI LOVE teaching English!! Archives
September 2016
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